OISC Level 3 provides an additional level of OISC accreditation for immigration advisers, allowing you to represent clients at bail and appeal hearings before an Immigration Judge. This means you can provide expert guidance and representation in almost all immigration law cases.
What services can an OISC Level 3 immigration adviser provide?
In addition to the services provided by OISC Level 1 and 2 advisers, OISC Level 3 advisers can provide the following;
- conduct of specialist casework – for example, cases where existing case law will be challenged, or complex third-country asylum cases
- preparation of cases to be appealed to the First-tier Tribunal and Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber), including drafting full grounds of appeal
- representing clients before the First-tier and Upper Tribunal
- instructing a barrister or member of the Faculty of Advocates to appear at the First-tier Tribunal and Upper Tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) where permitted through the Licensed Access or Direct Access Scheme.
In order to instruct a barrister to represent a client in Judicial Review matters in the Upper Tribunal or Administrative Court, an additional level of OISC accreditation is required. OISC Level 3 immigration advisers must apply and qualify for Judicial Review Case Management (JCRM) to work in this way.
Does my OISC Business require Level 3 immigration accreditation?
If you wish to work in the UK providing immigration advice, Pacific Legal Training would strongly recommend completing OISC Level 3 training. It is to be expected that a dedicated immigration adviser is fully capable of assisting clients who are facing challenging circumstances. Your clients will appreciate the services of an immigration adviser qualified to assist them at every step of the immigration process.
What is involved in OISC Level 3 training?
OISC Level 3 training requires a previous OISC Level 2 qualification. Building on the foundation of your previous qualification, OISC Level 3 accreditation requires you to evidence continuous professional development, as well as a comprehensive understanding of the OISC Level 3 competencies. On our OISC Level 3 training course, you’ll also receive an immigration law book, which will help cement your learning and which you can use for the OISC Level 3 exam.
Unless you provide your immigration advice services for free, you will also be required to pay an OISC registration fee, which starts from £1,750 at the date of this blog. If this fee is paid by an organisation, up to four individual advisers are covered.
What is covered in the OISC Level 3 exam?
The OISC Level 3 assessment requires candidates to demonstrate the following competences:
- Extensive knowledge of immigration, asylum, and nationality law
- An understanding of rights of appeal and complex cases, and evidence needed to support such cases
- A thorough knowledge of relevant case law
- Advocacy and interviewing skills.
The list above is not intended as a comprehensive summary of the competences required for OISC Level 3 – for a more detailed list, consult the government guidance here.
We help our candidates prepare for the OISC Level 3 exam with our Mock Exam Papers, which give a good flavour of what to expect from the OISC exam and help you pass.
If you wish to know more about our OISC Level 3 training, or if you wish to set up a new OISC immigration firm, contact Pacific Legal Training. We’ll support you on your journey every step of the way, and our Pacific Aftercare services shall help you build the professional network you need to thrive in your new career. You can learn more about our uniquely person-centred legal training services here.