Written by Samsoon Noor, November 2023
Why Immigration Law is Important for Aspiring Lawyers and The Learning Outcomes of OISC Training from Pacific Legal Training
Lord Denning’s famous quote reminds us of the transforming nature of law –
‘The law never stands still. It goes on apace. You have to run fast to keep up with it.’
Referring to this above statement made by the famous English Judge of the 19th century, Lord Denning, the nature of the law, especially Immigration Law in the United Kingdom, is visibly found to reflect how fast this law evolves and brings magnificent changes to the individual’s life.
During studying Bachelor of Laws (LL.B – QLD) in University of London and then pursuing Master of Law (LLM) in another leading university, at The University of Law, I have always been fascinated to learn more and to work in ‘Immigration Law’ in the legal industry and this seems to me to be offered with a rewarding career. Through practicing this law, one can provide service straight forward to the people and the community and can relatively change the lives of many migrant people, especially the asylum seekers. Furthermore, immigration advisers are accredited and regulated by the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC), with the right support of OISC Level 1 accreditation, which can be even achieved moderately faster as a ‘Fast Track Legal Profession’.
Why the Immigration Law is Important for Aspiring Lawyers
For aspiring lawyers, immigration law can be one of the most fascinating areas of law to practice since immigration law is always being changed due to multiple factors such as Brexit and many other immigration policies and this turns a high demand for qualified immigration advisers in the UK all the time.

Being an immigration adviser to the community can be an immensely satisfying job. However, before that, it is also essential to have good skills for anyone who wishes to succeed as an immigration adviser to understand the personal circumstances of the clients. Since people move to the UK and seek out employment and social opportunities within their close-knit communities, there is huge scope as an advisor to work for those migrants in the UK in a straightforward way and it is my dream to work for those people and those communities as an Immigration Advisor through enhancing my legal knowledge and expertise under a defined legal platform and for such the journey the Pacific Legal Training is a right platform to start up this exciting career journey on immigration law.
The Learning Outcomes on OISC from Pacific Legal Training
The intensive day-long training with Pacific Legal Training at OISC Level 1 Course was a great path to becoming an immigration adviser in the initial stage. Through this training, I was able to familiarize myself with the term of OISC ‘The Office of The Immigration Services Commissioner’, a government body which is set up to ensure that immigration advice is given only by qualified organizations and individuals.
The level 1 course teaches the fundamentals of UK immigration law. The immigration law courses of Pacific Legal Training offer multiple learning areas – Placements with OISC Firms, free Handbook, Course Recordings, Certificate, OISC Mock Papers with marking service, Work Opportunities and Directory Listings, Placements with OISC firms and ongoing support aftercare. Also, the wider network of OISC regulated firms is another cornerstone of PLT to secure the critical experience required for accreditation for beginners.
The day-long training is interactive, which provides a basic understanding of OISC and the most important part of the provision of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999. Under the provisions of this Act, it is unlawful for somebody to provide immigration advice or services if they are not regulated by an official entity of the OISC. For an immigration services firm to operate legally, it must be registered with the OISC, and the advisers in the firm must also be individually registered. It also acts against people or organizations which provide immigration services illegally and in severe cases participate in prosecutions.
The key benefit of the training programs is also tailored to prepare for OISC Level 1 exam and cover further related topics: the immigration rules, nationality, human rights and lots of other engaging areas of immigration law.
On a final note, building up the knowledge of OISC is a gross step towards obtaining OISC accreditation for those lawyers, solicitors or barristers who want to specialize in this law and who desire to make a career in immigration law. Working as an OISC immigration adviser is an intellectual and rewarding career to mitigate the challenges of the migrants in the UK, and the Pacific Legal Training has truly helped me to fulfill my dream to start an exciting journey as an aspiring immigration lawyer.
Written by Samsoon Noor, November 2023
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Embark on a journey to prepare for your OISC competence assessment and become an immigration adviser. By taking our online OISC courses, you’ll gain an understanding of immigration law. With the convenience and flexibility of online learning, there’s no better time to begin your OISC Journey. Join our OISC courses today and unlock the door to a rewarding and impactful career as an OISC immigration adviser.