Our experts will guide you through those tricky first steps to OISC registration
In order to work as a UK immigration adviser, your application to the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (the “OISC”) must be carefully prepared and must include all of the required documentation, which includes a comprehensive Business Plan and Cash Flow Statement. Without the required documentation, your application may be rejected.
Simply put, the OISC will only approve you as an adviser if you can demonstrate that you have a viable business strategy in place. This can be really tricky for an inexperienced adviser Although you’ll ideally have lots of experience in how OISC businesses operate, launching any kind of new business can be really hard work.
Add to that challenge the many hurdles and regulatory barriers that an immigration adviser must navigate every day as part of the role, and you’ve got a tricky path ahead of you.
Fortunately, Pacific Legal Training offers a wraparound service that doesn’t have to finish when our OISC Level 1 training course ends. In order to give your new OISC business the best possible chance of success, we recommend our OISC New Business Registration Service.
We understand that carefully preparing your application requires more than research and your network. We put our expertise and Know-how at your disposal, working with you to develop a Business Plan and Cash Flow Statement that’s not only going to satisfy the requirements of the OISC, but provide you with a sensible, measurable series of achievable steps to get your business off to the right start.
What does our OISC New Business Registration Service include?
Application preparation. We’ll work with you to assess the strength of your application, strategise on the way forward and prepare the necessary documents to help you apply to the OISC. We’ll advise you comprehensively on what steps you’ll need to take to set-up as an OISC organisation, notify you of the relevant insurance policies you’ll need to take out and we’ll help you create your Model Documents for use in immigration law cases.
Immigration business coaching, helping you get your first clients. Pacific Legal Training is part of a wide and populous network of immigration professionals in the legal sector. If you choose to engage us for our OISC New Business Registration Service, you won’t just be drawing on our expertise, but if you take our OISC course, you’ll be accessing a large number of legal colleagues and immigration advisers, through our Pacific Legal Training WhatsApp Community.
Who does our OISC New Business Registration Service support?
Our service is designed to support;
• Those applying to set-up a new immigration law business
• Individuals becoming OISC-accredited
• Those setting up a new charity to help immigrants or asylum seekers.
For more information about how Pacific Legal Training will help you build your new business and career from scratch, get in touch today.