OISC Mock Papers | Pass the OISC Exam First Time

OISC Mock Papers | Pass the OISC Exam First Time


Welcome to the Home of OISC Training    |         If you are looking for OISC sample papers or OISC past papers in order to prepare for the OISC exam, then our up-to-date OISC Mock Papers are the place for you to start. If you would like to supplement our OISC training course with one of our OISC Mock Papers, then you qualify for a 50% discount on your first paper.

Our OISC mock exam marking service helps you develop your knowledge, practical experience and confidence in preparing for the OISC competence assessments and, ultimately, to pass the OISC Level 1 exam, OISC Level 2 exam and OISC level 3 exam.

Less than half of the people who sit the OISC exam receive a pass grade. Our OISC Mock Papers are here to ensure you are in the best position to be in the successful minority. Our most popular OISC Mock, our OISC Level 1 Mock exam, is perfect for those preparing to sit the OISC exams.

What are OISC Mock Papers?

Our OISC mock exam marking service gives you the opportunity to have your mock exam answers marked by our team of experienced immigration professionals. We provide you with exam papers based on real questions from OISC exams. Our immigration experts will then review your work and provide you with feedback. The feedback includes an analysis of your answers and tips on how you can improve to answer questions more effectively . Delegates say that our OISC Mock papers are harder than the real OISC exam.

Depending on the OISC Level you are studying for, we offer up to 4 OISC Mock papers. If you purchase a single mock exam paper along with an OISC course, you will receive the OISC paper for half price. If you would like to prepare for or book the OISC level 1 exam, then our OISC level 1 exam is an excellent way to begin preparations.

You can find out more about our other products, including our Hard-copy OISC Handbook, OISC Level 1 courseOISC Level 2 course and OISC Level 3 course by clicking on the relevant links.